Check Plugins Which Are No Longer Present In WordPress Directory

Check Plugins Which Are No Longer Present In WordPress Directory.

WordPress repository consists thousands of plugins and many of them get removed.

It’s because of they don’t get updated and maybe the plugin author want to get it removed. There are many rules of the directory which should be followed.

Due to the violation of those rules, many plugins get removed from the directory.

People who have installed those plugins can’t know whether the plugin still exists in the repository or not.

So to check plugins which are no longer present in WordPress directory, you have to do some manual work.

In this tutorial, you will learn the easiest way.

Search For The Best Plugin To Accomplish This Work.

You may be thinking as if a plugin is required to find the availability of other plugins.

Well, a human can’t go through thousands of plugins.

There are a few steps to be taken.

Step 1:- Install and activate the No Longer In Directory plugin.

Step 2:- After installation, go to plugins section and you will find its name. Open the plugin settings and you will see the list of the plugins which have been removed from the directory.

If you haven’t installed any plugin then it won’t show any. Just a message that no installed plugin is no longer present in WordPres directory.

And it’s important to not use the plugins which haven’t been updated since last two years.

This plugin will also check the last updated date of each plugin you have installed.

It’s always recommended to check the plugin on the localhost before using it online.

Always check the last updated date for sure.

Can You Now Find The Removed Plugins?

To run a perfect WordPress website, you should keep an eye on the plugins.

As you know, most of the errors in WordPress are generated by the plugins. You should check whether the plugin is in the market or not.

Before you even install any plugin, read reviews, check the ratings, and many other things.

I hope now you can check plugins which are no longer present in WordPress directory. Feel free to clear your doubts.

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by Ravi Chahar

A WordPress Professional and the LinkedIn Influencer. A coder by passion and a blogger by choice. WordPress theme development is his forte. He is your WordPress guy who will teach you how to solve WordPress errors, WordPress security issues, design issues and what not.

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  1. Thanks Ravi

    That’s a useful tip.

    I know when I moved over to Managed WP hosting instead of shared, my new hosting company “banned” some of my plugins for this reason that you highlight.

    But for anyone who, like me, hadn’t had this check, I really recommend they use this plugin to check that your WordPress plugins are up-to-date.

    Joy – Blogging After Dark

    1. Hey Joy,

      Most of the people don’t check the dates or the existence of the plugins. WordPress removes some plugins due to poor coding.

      I am glad that your web hosting providers did the job.

      You should also keep checking.

      Thanks for stopping by.


  2. Hey Ravi,

    Not many people really bother/ know about the plugins that are not in use or are not updated for a long time. However, this can create some issues like plugin conflicts in the coming days.

    The tutorial is very handy for everyone who might have installed a lot of plugins but do not keep a track of the real usage. Thank you for sharing about No Longer In Directory plugin. Take care and have a great day ?

    1. Hi Manidipa,

      Most of the website issues occur due to any outdated plugin. And the website owners who are using multiple plugins face such problems the most.

      Checking the status of the plugins is really important.

      It may seem odd to many people when but they enter in the danger zone, they remember these things.

      Thanks for stopping by.


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